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Showing posts from May, 2018

A Life-Altering Encounter With Dave Ramsey

Gosh, I hate thinking about money... was what I used to say, what I used to think. Give me a good book of history. Let me dive into some deep theology. For crying out loud, give me some math problems to think about... but don't force me to think about a budget. I think I had the idea that money is boring. That Jesus is interesting. That there are a thousand interesting things. But that money was boring. My idea was that, well, I've got an engineering degree, I'm getting a law degree... what need do I have to really worry about money. Won't all that just take care of itself because I got a good degree and I'm going to get raises over the years? The problem with this thinking, for me, was that it led me to a total lack of leadership in my family over money. I let Nicole pay the bills. (I take out the garbage and clean out dirty dishes. An even-ish swap.) And because she did this, I sort of had a general sense that she was the budget person. But we haven'